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Annual Reports of Education, Health and Sport 9781329899735
The journal publishes scientific studies, reports and reports about achievements in different scientific fields. Journal is published in Articles are accepted each month. Frequency: 24 issues per year. Format - A4 ISSN — All articles are reviewed Free access to the electronic version of journal Edition of journal does not carry responsibility for the materials published in a journal. Sabirov I. Redzhapova N. Murkamilova Zh. Udod O. The study of the instrumental modalities for deci- sion-making in facial reconstructive surgery is an urgent problem of plastic surgery, and the implementation of appropriate systematic review allows to determine the status and future prospects and priorities of research in this area.
The aim was to identify the main clusters of instrumental modalities for decision-making in facial recon- structive surgery by conducting a systematic review of the scientific literature on this issue. The systematic review includes the following types of studies: systematic reviews, randomized clinical trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, sectional studies, case studies, case series.
Publications that contain data on reconstructive plastic surgery of facial defects. Excel and R software were used for analysis. According to the inclusion criteria, publications devoted to certain aspects of determining the main instrumental modalities for decision-making in facial reconstructive surgery were selected. Instrumental modalities for decision-making in facial reconstructive surgery predominantly concern computerized technologies, i. There is a significant predominance of type studies, in descending order: description of individual cases, series of cases, sectional, "case-control" — thus, there is a lack of randomized controlled trials and objective need in them.
The prospect of further research is to complete the systematic review with meta-analysis. Keywords: reconstructive surgery, plastic surgery, face defects, instrumental modalities, decision support. The role of plastic, especially re- Aim: The aim of the study is to determine the main constructive, surgery in global health is fundamental instrumental modalities for decision-making in facial [1]. Decision performance in general surgery and espe- reconstructive surgery by conducting a systematic re- cially in reconstructive plastic surgery has direct medi- view of the scientific literature on this issue. Shared decision making is one of the The semantic core of the publication search in- most frequently used method [5,20]. A separate prob- cluded the following keywords and their combinations: lem are the parental decisions about an outlook of their "face defect, eyelid, reconstructive facial surgery, cra- children with congenital facial defects [16].
Pandemic tal cartilage, autologous cartilage, epidemiology, face COVID exacerbates a difficult decision-develop- trauma, treatment, midface, facial deformities, congen- ment procedure in facial reconstructive plastic surgery ital, anomalies, malformation" etc. Same as in general surgery, there is a lack The search was conducted in the following data- of evidence-based data in plastic reconstructive sur- bases: PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Web of Sci- gery, with a few exceptions [3]. Thus, the study of the main instrumental modali- The systematic review includes the following ties for decision-making in facial reconstructive sur- types of studies: systematic reviews, randomized clini- gery is an urgent problem of plastic surgery, and the cal trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, sectional implementation of appropriate systematic review al- studies, case studies, case series.
The au- zation and analysis were performed by two independent thor has no conflict of interest. There are no differences reviewers and data extractors, who were not acquainted from the protocol in the current version of the review. None of the judgments of each of the extractors and reviewers are studies were excluded. Information on all selected stud- resolved by describing the strengths and weaknesses of ies is currently classified. No current research on this each version; obtaining data on instrumental modalities review has been identified. The proportion of publications of the results of different types of medical research on the instrumental modalities for decision-making in facial reconstructive surgery Note. Conclusions: 4.
Chi, A. Chen, M. Dorante, B. Lee, 1. Instrumental modalities for decision-making in J. Desai, R. Gardiner, T. Hartzell, Telemedicine and of type studies, in descending order: description of in- plastic surgery: a review of its applications, limitations dividual cases, series of cases, sectional, "case-control" and legal pitfalls, J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. The prospect of further research is to complete soc. Hidaka, M. Kurita, K. Ogawa, Y. Tomioka, M. Knoops, A.
Papaioannou, A. Borghi, 7 — Breakey, A. Wilson, O. Jeelani, S. Zafeiriou, 2. Burns, R. Rohrich, K. Chung, The D. Steinbacher, B. Padwa, D. Dunaway, S. Schiev- levels of evidence and their role in evidence-based ano, A machine learning framework for automated di- medicine, Plast Reconstr Surg. Chambrone, R. Chambrone, The concepts of evidence-based periodon- Liang, X. Yang, S. Yin, S. Malay, K. Ma, K. Wang, Artificial Intelligence in Plas- dence-based dentistry for the treatment of recession- tic Surgery: Applications and Challenges, Aesthetic type defects, Periodontol Plast Surg. Makar, A. Patterson, M. Haase, Badiali, E. Marcelli, B. Bortolani, C. Mar- K. Schafer, C. Vercler, S. Kasten, S. Buchman, chetti, L. Cercenelli, An average three-dimensional vir- J.
Waljee, M. Baumann, K. Sinko, G. Dorner, Late Recon- Surg. Marcus, D. Bekisz, H. Liss, S. Maliha, L. Witek, Murphy, D. Saleh, Artificial Intelli- P. Coelho, R. Flores, In-House Manufacture of gence in plastic surgery: What is it? Where are we now? Bell, Computer planning and intraopera- Naran, D. Steinbacher, J. Berli, L.
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Kanovei V. Mathematics , under reviewing. WoS Q1. Axioms , , Vol. DOI:

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